Category Archives: Podcast

93: Jamie Grace | Finding Quiet

On today’s episode we’re talking with award winning singer songwriter, and brand new author, Jamie Grace.

Jamie shares her story achieving her dream of becoming a successful recording artist only to find more emptiness and chaos on the other side. Jamie also shares how she followed God’s prompting to leave it all behind to pursue a quieter, more fulfilling way of life.

Pull up a chair and join us, this is a great one! Listen in.


Links Mentioned:

Jamie’s Book: Finding Quiet 

Jamie’s Website 

Jamie’s Instagram 


Music featured in this episode:
Casey Darnell, Moments

Connect with Chris & Jenni:


92: John Bevere | Multiply Your Potential

On today’s episode we’re talking with best selling author, speaker, and founder of Messenger International, John Bevere about multiplying our potential, about what it means to live a life poured out completely.

John shares:

– what true faithfulness looks like according to God’s word,
– practical ways to uncover your calling
– how to faithfully live out your purpose together as a couple

Pull up a chair and join us, this is a great one! Listen in.

Links Mentioned:

John’s Book: Multiply Your God Given Potential

Episode 77: Lisa Bevere | Becoming Strong

Episode 70 | Addison Bevere | Discover Your True Identity

John’s Website

Messenger International

Music featured in this episode:
Casey Darnell, Moments

Connect with Chris & Jenni:


91 : Lysa Terkeurst | Forgive What You Can’t Forget

If you’ve ever struggled to forgive something you just can’t seem to forget, this episode is for you. We had the tremendous honor of welcoming back to the show, New York Time’s best selling author, speaker, and founder of Proverbs 31 Ministries, Lysa Terkeurst.

Lysa shares vulnerably about her own wrestle through this journey to forgiveness which she unpacks in her latest book, Forgiving What You Can’t Forget. Lysa offers encouragement and advice on how to disempower the triggers that can hijack our emotions, make peace with painful memories, and create a life that's beautiful again.

As always, we hope this conversation will bless you as much as it did us! Listen in!



Links Mentioned:

Lysa's Book: Forgiving What You Can't Forget 

Episode 44: Lysa Terkeurst | Find A Fresh Start  

Lysa's Website

Proverbs 31 Ministries


Music featured in this episode:
Casey Darnell, Moments

Connect with Chris & Jenni:


90: Eric Peterson | Lifelong Wisdom

When we think of life well lived, it's hard to come up with a better example than Eugene and Jan Peterson. Back in the Spring of 2019, we had the incredible honor of sitting down with the delightful Jan, beloved wife of Eugene Peterson, for what none of us realized would be her very last interview. Shortly after our time together, Jan went home to be with Jesus in May of 2019. Jan’s story of love, faith, and long obedience in the same direction remains one of our most listened to and commented on episodes to date.


On today’s episode we had the tremendous honor of chatting with Eugene and Jan’s son, Eric Peterson. Eric shares what it was like growing up in the Peterson home, his journey into the calling of local church ministry, and the wisdom from his dad Eugene through the form of letters that impacted him as a young pastor.

As always, we hope this conversation will bless you as much as it did us! Listen in!


Links Mentioned:

Eric's Books: Letters to a Young Pastor 

Letters to a Young Congregation

Episode 54: Remembering Jan Peterson 


Music featured in this episode:
Casey Darnell, Moments

Connect with Chris & Jenni:


89 : Nicole Zasowski | Let Go and Find Freedom

On today’s episode we’re talking with writer, speaker, & marriage and family therapist, Nicole Zasowski about letting go of what we think we want to find what will truly set us free.  Nicole shares her journey of moving across the country from CA to Conneticut, and finding that settling into her new normal took a little longer than she would have hoped.  Having just experienced  a big move ourselves, this message really spoke to us personally, and we are so grateful for this conversation!

Nicole shares with us the power of naming what we fear losing most, how to identify the behaviors that are holding us back, and how to move forward in the freedom God has for us!

Guys, we hope this conversation will bless you as much as it did us! Listen in!


Links Mentioned:

Nicole's Book: From Lost to Found 

Nicole's Website 

Every Moment Holy , McKelvey Douglas


Music featured in this episode:
Casey Darnell, Moments

Connect with Chris & Jenni:


88: Mike Frost | Transform Your Life by Memorizing Scripture

On today’s episode we’re welcoming best selling author, professor, and leader in the missional church movement, Mike Frost back to the show to unpack the life changing power of memorizing scripture, as in getting it off the screen and actually into our brain and bones.

If you’re new to the show, make sure you go back to Ep 46, where we dive deeper into Mike’s story and learn all about the 5 “B.E.L.L.S.” habits of living on mission in the world around us as discussed in his book Surprise the World: Blessing others, Eating together, Learning Christ, Listening to the Spirit, Being Sent with a Missionary Focus.


Today, Mike shares with us: 

*the benefits behind the lost art of memorizing scripture,

*how meditating on truth can shape our outlook on the world, and

*specific scriptures that can be particularly helpful to memorize during these unprecedented times


Guys, we hope this conversation will bless you as much as it did us! Listen in!


Links Mentioned:

Ep. 46: Mike Frost | Living On Mission 

Mike's Book: Hide This in Your Heart

Mike's Website 


Music featured in this episode:
Casey Darnell, Moments

Connect with Chris & Jenni:


87: Alli Worthington | Stand Strong Together

This week we’re excited to welcome our friend Alli Worthington back to the show to chat about her lastest book, Standing Strong.   Alli is a best selling author, speaker, and host of The Alli Worthington Show. Make sure to check out Ep. 19 where we unpack more of Alli's story and journey to becoming an author.

In today's episode Alli shares how to push past the fears that keep us from doing what God’s called us to, how to clearly discern God’s guidance in our lives, and how to take action and build confidence as we move forward.

Guys, we hope this conversation will bless you as much as it did us! Listen in!

*Four more courage building, make sure to check out Alli's newest book, Standing Strong, available TODAY!


Links Mentioned:

Ep. 19: Alli Worthington | Fierce Faith

Alli's Book: Standing Strong

Alli's Instagram

Alli's Website


Music featured in this episode:
Casey Darnell, Moments

Connect with Chris & Jenni:


86: Lisa Bevere | Find a Spiritual Parent

WELCOME BACK FRIENDS! It feels so good to be jumping into a brand new season with YOU!

Thank you so much for joining us!


To give SEASON 4 a proper kick off, we’ve invited our good friend & powerhouse, Lisa Bevere to join us again today and we cannot wait to let you in on this powerful conversation!

Lisa is a New York Times bestselling author, co founder of Messenger International with her husband John, mom of four boys, and a spiritual mom to countless women across the country, which is what we’re taking about with her today. Lisa is known for her ability and passion to come along side and fiercely fight FOR and not against other women. Lisa unpacks for us today, the importance of having and becoming a Spiritual mom or dad to those around us.

According to Lisa, we all need an older, wiser friend we can go to and learn from, a strong soul who will partner with us through life. We all need one! Lisa will show us how to transform what we have into what God wants us to have, push forward during seasons of doubt, and speak truth about God's larger, expansive view of our life.

For more from Lisa on this incredible practice, make sure to pick up a copy of her newest book, Godmothers. It’s incredible!

Guys, we hope this conversation will bless you as much as it did us! Many amazing episodes and fun updates to come!

Listen in!




“Our large lives require intimate connections.”

“A mentor wants to replicate themselves, but a spiritual parent wants more for their child than they ever had for themselves.”

“God’s not trying to trick you, He’s a good leader, you can trust and follow Him.”

“A mother gets in the mess with you and is willing to walk you through it.”

“How you handle this messy season right now is gonna position you for a glorious next season.”

“A spiritual parent is not just by your side, but on your side.”

“Focus gives us direction and redirects our energy.”

“You are the gatekeeper of your life. You have the right to focus on the right things.”

“We don’t have to know everything, we just have to know SOME thing, that will breathe life into someone.”

“Do not take advice from someone unless you want to go where they are.”

“Open up your life and begin to pour out.”


Connect with Lisa:

Lisa's Book: Godmothers 

Lisa's Instagram

Lisa's Facebook

Lisa's Website


Music featured in this episode:
Casey Darnell, Moments

Connect with Chris & Jenni:


85: Katherine Wolf | Suffer Strong

We saved one of the very best for last as we close out the season with the one and only, Katherine Wolf. After miraculously surviving a near-fatal brainstem stroke at the age 26, life for Katherine and Jay Wolf changed forever. There was no going back to normal after such a tragedy, yet Katherine and Jay learned that suffering is not the end, but rather the beginning of a brand new story.

Katherine shares with us her incredible story of finding joy in embracing the new normal God had prepared for her, how to rewrite the narrative of our own hard circumstances by turning our definitions of suffering into declarations of strength, and the importance of letting go of the myth that joy can only be found in a pain-free life.

This was without a doubt one of our very favorite conversations of the season. We were just blown away by her story and the joy and gratitude for life that she has found on the other side of tragedy. Keep your tissues handy!

Listen in!


Katherine's Book: Suffer Strong


Music featured in this episode:
Casey Darnell, Moments

Connect with Chris & Jenni:


84: Caitlyn Crosby | The Giving Keys

On today’s episode we’re chatting with Caitlyn Crosby, the founder of one of our favorite companies doing beautiful work in the world, The Giving Keys. If you’ve ever seen someone wearing a key around their neck, chances are it was a Giving Key, which means it was handmade by someone transitioning out of homelessness.


Caitlyn shares with us today the story of how she built this incredible company from a merch table at her singing gigs to a thriving business with a mission to end homelessness. The Giving Keys have been carried in over 1400 stores such as Nordstrom, Anthropologie, Magnolia and more. Caitlyn’s inspiring story is a great reminder of how with a little creativity, we can all be a force for good to those around us. Listen in!


Caitlyn's Book: You are the Key


Music featured in this episode:
Casey Darnell, Moments

Connect with Chris & Jenni:
