Category Archives: Podcast

64: Gary Thomas | Know When to Walk Away

On today’s episode we’re chatting with well known Bible Teacher and best selling author of over 20 books including Sacred Marriage and Sacred Pathways, Gary Thomas. As you’ll soon discover, Gary is one of the most wise and wonderful humans you could hope to encounter, and we enjoyed gleaning all the wisdom from him that we possibly could.

Gary shares with us how to identify the relationships in our lives that are stealing our joy, when to hang on, and when it’s time to walk away. We also talk about how to set healthy boundaries to protect our calling, how to love and serve the difficult people in our lives, and how to silence the toxic voices from within. Make sure you listen all the way to the very end when Gary shares the most encouraging advice to parents who are right in the thick of the chaos and beauty of family life.

We were so encouraged by our time with Gary, we know you will be too. Listen in.


Links + Resources Mentioned:

When to Walk Away 

Gary's Website 

Sacred Marriage 

Sacred Pathways

A Practical Treatise on Christian Perfection 

LIW Recommended Resources


Connect with Chris & Jenni:


63: Rebekah Lyons | Cultivate a Life of Renewal

On today’s episode we had the incredible honor of chatting with National Speaker & Best Selling Author, Rebekah Lyons.  We chat with Rebekah about her latest project, Rhythms of Renewal, charting specific ways we can intentionally walk in sustained emotional, spiritual and physical health and renewal. Rebekah shares vulnerably about her own battle with anxiety, depression, and panic attacks, offering encouragement for those of us in that same struggle as well as how we as the church can carry one another’s burdens and fight for the healing and renewal of our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Rebekah’s work has been featured on Good Morning America, CNN, The Huffington Post & more. Alongside her husband Gabe, she serves as co-founder of Q Ideas, an organization helping Christian leaders engage in culture. Gabe & Rebekah have four children, two dogs and live in Franklin, TN.

Wherever this finds you today, we hope this conversation will encourage you with practical steps to cultivate daily habits that will strengthen you mentally, emotionally & physically and lead towards the vibrant life you long for.

Listen in.



Links + Resources Mentioned:

Rhythms of Renewal 

Rebekah's Website

Rebekah's Instagram 

Man's Search For Meaning 

Q Ideas

LIW Recommended Resources


Connect with Chris & Jenni:


62: Tricia Lott Williford | Find Joy in the Waiting

What are you waiting for?

Everyone takes their turn in the waiting room. But when we misunderstand what waiting is about, we can get confused about what God is up to. As it turns out, waiting is actually one of God’s favorite tools. There are specific things God can do in our hearts and in our lives only in the waiting.

On today’s episode we had the incredible honor of chatting with our new friend and NY Times Best Selling author, Tricia Lott Williford. As you’ll soon discover, Tricia is an incredible storyteller. I just love listening to her and I know you will too!
Tricia’s journey of overcoming is one of the most touching stories you will ever hear! Years ago, she suddenly found herself to be a thirty-one-year-old widow with two preschoolers to raise on her own, when her husband died unexpectedly and tragically at Christmastime. Tricia opens up about her journey through grief and heartbreak to finding new strength and joy on the other side.

We also chat with Tricia about her latest project, Just You Wait. Listen in as Tricia shares the joy hidden in the discipline of waiting, the practices of believing God is for you and working on your behalf, even when the work of His hand is hard to find. We hope this conversation will encourage you in the waiting, and remind you that God is at work behind the scenes in invisible ways you just can’t see.

Listen in.


Links + Resources Mentioned:

Just You Wait,  Tricia Lott Williford 

Tricia's Website 

Tricia's Instagram 

Writting Down the Bones, Natalie Goldberg 

When,  Daniel H. Pink

LIW Recommended Resources


Connect with Chris & Jenni:



61 : Chris and Emily Norton | Overcome the Impossible

If you need a little inspiration, today is your day. It just doesn't get more inspiring than our guests today, Chris and Emily Norton. 9 years ago Chris went from being a talented 18 year old football player with a promising future to flat on his back with a broken neck and a 3% chance of ever moving anything below his neck, much less walking again. But after pushing himself through grueling workouts for four years, Chris defied those odds as he walked across the graduation stage with his finance Emily at his side.

Listen in as Chris and Emily share more about this incredible journey, their next goal of walking down the aisle together, their passion for foster care & adoption (welcoming 17 foster children into their home!) their private struggles, shared blessings, and everything in between! We hope as you listen, you’ll be reminded, as we were, to put one foot in front of the other, no matter what impossibility you’re facing, and that God can transform even our lowest points into life’s greatest gifts.



Links + Resources Mentioned:

7 Longest Yards Book 

Chris Norton : Website

Chris Norton's Instagram

Emily Norton's Instagram

7 Yards Film

This is Your Day, Tim Tebow

The Connected Child, Dr. Karen B. Purvis 

LIW Recommended Resources


Connect with Chris & Jenni:





John Eldredge | Make Space for your Soul

On this week’s very special episode, we had the incredible joy of welcoming back to the show, one of our very favorite mentors on planet earth…. Mr. John Eldredge.


If you’re new to the podcast, make sure you check out our first episode with John (Ep. 30) where you’ll hear how John went from just barely surviving to living the life of adventure he longed for. John is a dynamic speaker, counselor, and Director of Ransomed Heart Ministries in Colorado who is known most for his best selling book, Wild at Heart, a remarkable work on recovering the masculine soul. (Men, if you have not read this, it is a MUST) He’s also written some of our other very favorite books of all time, Waking the Dead, Journey of Desire, & The Way of the Wild Heart, just to name a few.


We chat with John today about his latest project, the Restoration Year devotional, which has quickly become on of our new favorites. John shares with us how to practice soul care, making space in our lives to hear Gods voice, how to pursue restoration for our souls and how to support that process in our spouse as well.


What you'll experience after spending time with John today is the same thing you'll find when you pick up any of his books: it will make you want to grow closer to Jesus. John is the real deal, and always so good to remind us that loving Jesus really is what living a life of adventure is all about. We were so impacted by this incredible conversation with one of our greatest heroes, and we know you will be too! Enjoy!


Books Mentioned:
Restoration Year
Unspoken Sermons
LIW Recommended Resources

Connect with Chris & Jenni:


60: Stephen Kendrick | Know What Defines You

Well, after a much needed refreshing summer break we could not be more thrilled to be back with you guys for Season 3! Wherever this finds you, driving to work, dropping kids off at school, working out at the gym, were so glad you're here with us and we pray this conversation will be a blessing to you.


We have so many incredible episodes coming up for you guys this season, and we’re kicking it off strong today with author, speaker, and Filmaker, Stephen Kendrick of the Kendrick Brothers to talk about the issue of Identity, which is the theme of their newest movie hitting theaters THIS WEEK called Overcomer. Y'all. You are going to LOVE this movie. We've seen them all, War Room, Courageous, Fireproof. THIS one takes the cake. We were laughing, crying, and so inspired!  You're just gonna love it!


Stephen shares the story behind the film, how God led he and his brother Alex into filmaking in the first place, the power of prayer behind everything they do, and all about the movie’s theme of finding our identity in Christ.

Listen in.



Links + Resources Mentioned:

Overcomer Movie 

The Kendrick Brothers 

LIW Recommended Resources


Connect with Chris & Jenni:









59: Kristin Hill | Go & Tell No One

Well, guys, we saved one of the very best for last, we cannot wait to introduce you to our new friend, Kristin Hill. Kristin is an author, speaker, and co leader of With You Ministries with her husband Eric.  We have been counting down the days to this one. . . This conversation resonated with us in so many ways and we can't imagine a better way to close out the season as we break for summer than this message of “Go and Tell No One.”

In our over sharing, social media obsessed culture it’s easy to buy into the idea that every amazing experience we have must be shared publicly. But are some moments too sacred to share? Kristin reminds us of Jesus’ words to “ go and tell no one,’ and that our value is found in Him, not in how applauded we are by others.

We all long to be seen, known, celebrated, and affirmed, but as Kristin reminds us today, the only true fulfillment of those longings is found in the secret and sacred time with God. We talk with Kristin about the upside down way of Jesus that says the most holy moments in life are often those no one else will ever see. Be prepared for your toes to be stepped on in the most wonderful ways as you lean in to Kristin’s wonderful wisdom and sweet reminders of truth. Listen in.



Links + Resources Mentioned:

Go and Tell No One , Kristin Hill

The Life You've Always Wanted, John Ortberg

Hinds Feet in High Places, Hannah Hurnard

Chronicles of Narnia, C.S.Lewis

With You Ministries 

LIW Recommended Resources


Connect with Chris & Jenni:



58: Dr. John Townsend | Cultivate Healthy Relationships

On this week’s episode we had the incredible honor of chatting with one of our favorite authors, whose work has literally changed millions of lives, we’re talking about the one and only, Dr. John Townsend. As a leadership expert and psychologist, John has written or co-written 30 books, selling 10 million copies, including the New York times best-seller Boundaries (which should just be required reading for adulthood, if you haven't read it yet, you’ll want to grab a copy)

We talk with Dr. Townsend about his latest project, People Fuel. We know we receive energy from good nutrition, exercise, adequate sleep and maintaining positivity. But there is another major source for the energy we need: having the right kinds of relationships with others. Not the ones that drain us, but the ones that refuel us. Dr. Townsend unpacks the types of relationships we need most and how to intentionally cultivate them in our lives. Listen in.


57: Steve and Sarah Dubbeldam | Believe in Each Other’s Dreams

On today’s episode we invited one of our very favorite entrepreneurial couples couples, Steve and Sarah Dubbeldam to join us for a conversation about believing in each other's dreams, and bringing those dreams to life.  Steve is the founder of Wilderness Collective, offering trip-of-a-lifetime adventure experiences with the intention of inspiring character development through exploration.(yes please!)  Sarah is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of Darling Magazine, a quarterly publication that seeks to broaden the ideals of beauty in media by using all sizes of models and becoming the first magazine to not retouch women's bodies or skin in photos. Both Darling and Wilderness encourage men and women to discover their true identity and worth.

We chat with Steve and Sarah about how they learned to work together, take each other's dreams seriously, and begin to bring those dreams to life.  They share the vital rhythms they practice in their life and marriage while running two successful start ups that have kept them connected, balanced, and on the same team.  We were blown away by these two, they are wise beyond their years, and the incredible wisdom they share will inspire you to bring each other's dreams to life. Listen in.


Links + Resources Mentioned:

Wilderness Collective

Darling Media

Blue Like Jazz 

Tales of the Jazz Age

What Clients Love

Growth Hacker Marketing

LIW Recommended Resources


Connect with Chris & Jenni:



56: Don Pape | Write Your Story

This week, we’re jumping into the world of writing and we've brought in the best of the best for you.

We’ve asked our good friend and NavPress Publisher, Mr. Don Pape to join us. With over 30 years in the business, Don has published over a dozen New York Times best-sellers and worked with incredible authors such as Francis Chan, Madeline L’Engle, and Eugene Peterson. Don is one of the most humble, authentic, wise people you could hope to encounter and the advice he shares on writing your story will encourage and motivate you to bring that book in you to life.

We talk with Don about what makes the difference between life changing books verses those destined for the landfill, how to look at your life in a different way, and uncover the story within you worth sharing. As you listen, we hope you’ll be encouraged to pick up the pen and begin to share it with those who need to hear it. You have a story within you, trust God with the results, and just begin.


Resources Mentioned:

Crazy Love
Walking on Water
A Severe Mercy
Bad Girls of the Bible
Long Obedience in the Same Direction
The Message
The Wired Soul

LIW Recommended Resources

Connect with Chris & Jenni:
