Category Archives: Podcast

29: Fun Times with Dave Barnes

On today’s episode we had such a blast with one of our favorite musicians of all time…. Dave Barnes! You've probably heard one of Dave's biggest hits, God Gave Me You, released by Blake Shelton. Whether you're already a huge fan of Dave or just learning about him for the first time, you are going to LOVE his music and this conversation!
As you will soon learn, Dave is not only a super talented singer-songwritter, he’s also one of the funniest guys on the planet!

We chat with Dave about :

– His journey of becoming a musician and how God has carried him along the way,

– How becoming a Dad has shifted his priorities as a traveling artist and changed his view of what success actually looks like,

– And lastly, we talk about how to intentionally create room for your spouse’s dreams while living out a big dream of your own.

We had such a blast chatting with Dave! You will laugh! You will cry! And as always, you will be moved and inspired on your own journey to live out your calling!

Make sure and stick around till the end to enjoy one of our favorite songs off Dave’s new album!

Show Notes:
Chris Graebe :
Jenni Graebe :
One Life Tribe:


28: Katie Norris | Founder of Fotolanthropy

On today’s episode we have the honor of chatting with Katie Norris, founder & CEO of Fotolanthropy, a non profit film company that celebrates stories of hope and people who have defied great odds.Her work has been featured on The Huffington Post, CNN, and Fox News. Katie shares the story and heart behind this dream and call of God on her life that began just seven years ago and the journey of bringing that dream to life, inspiring and impacting millions along the way. Katie wins the award for making us cry a record amount of times in a podcast conversation. As you will soon hear, Katie has a remarkable gift of storytelling, and specifically sharing stories that deserve to be told. After hearing Katie’s story, you will be incredibly moved and inspired to bring your own dream to life and use the gifts God has given you to be a force for good in the community around you. Get your kleenexes ready, it’s a good one.

Show Notes:
Chris Graebe :
Jenni Graebe :
One Life Tribe:


27: Curtis Zackery | Soul Rest

You’re in for such a treat on today’s episode! We’re talking with our new friend, Curtis Zackery about finding REST for our souls. Doesn’t that sound nice? Life is a gift, and it’s going by so fast. We all need to slow down and cherish every single moment. Curtis speaks so beautifully to this in his new book, SOUL REST, Reclaiming Your Life. Returning to Sabbath.

Curtis is a speaker, author, and a pastor at Church of the City in Nashville, TN, where he lives with his amazing wife, Monique and two sweet kiddoes. We loved hearing Curtis share the story and heart behind this new project, Soul Rest, and we know you will too! ENJOY!

Show Notes:
Chris Graebe :
Jenni Graebe :
One Life Tribe:


26: Heather MacFadyen | Raising Risk Takers

Since jumping into this world of podcasting, we’ve become students of really skilled conversationalists, and someone we have learned a ton from is our very special guest today, Heather MacFadyen. She’s a refreshingly real speaker, blogger, and host of the popular podcast, The God Centered Mom. Heather does a phenomenal job creating a space for real, honest conversation, is always thoughtful of her listeners, and gives her guests plenty of room to share. In this episode you’ll hear the story and heart behind how Heather stumbled into podcasting and what she’s learned 5 years and over 200 episodes later. We also chat with Heather about what she’s learned after almost 20 years of being married to an adventure loving entrepreneur, how to embrace a life where risk taking is the norm, and how to encourage healthy risk taking in our kids! We loved this conversation with our friend, Heather. She is just refreshingly authentic and honest; you are going to love her!


25: Matt Sayman | Finding a Fresh Start

On today’s show, we chat with Matt Sayman, Former Baylor Basketball Star, Coach, and Author of his latest book, The Leftovers. He has such an incredible story! At the age of 9, Matt fell in love with the game of basketball. At the age of 12 he wrote down 3 huge dreams, and they all came true. As a Baylor Basketball star, everything was going according to his plan, when the unexpected happened & changed everything. . .
Matt offers super practical advice on how to reach your goals, how to let the curve balls of life refine you instead of define you, and how it’s never too late for a fresh start! We were so blessed by this conversation with Matt, we know you will be too! Enjoy!


24: Casey and Anisa Darnell | Supporting Each Other’s Dreams

In this episode, we chat with our amazing new friends and the founders of Truth & Co,
Casey and Anisa Darnell.

You guys are going to fall in love with them for sure. Their designs have been featured on HGTV, Better Homes & Gardens, and Country Living. We covered just about everything in our conversation! From how to support your spouse’s dreams, intentionally align your life according to what matters most, Anisa’s experience on HGTV’s Design Wars, and we may have even discussed Casey’s former glory days in a Christian boy band! You will probably laugh out loud, you may even shed a tear, but you will definitely be moved and inspired to go and live your one life well!

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23: Tom Nelson | What’s Your Calling?

On today's episode, we have the incredible honor of talking with the man, the myth, the legend . . . Pastor Tommy Nelson. I can count on one hand the teachers who have influenced our lives most. When we teach our kids about Jesus, about life, character, and courage. We're usually quoting this guy right here!
He’s a former D1 Football Player who in his 60’s can still bench 300 & run 3 miles.
He’s been the pastor of Denton Bible Church for decades, he’s one of the greatest Bible teachers of our time, hands down. He’s known most for his incredible teaching on sex, marriage, and dating through the Song of Solomon, and he’s also known for just cutting the fluff and shooting straight!
We are so honored to welcome to the show today our very special guest…. Pastor Tommy Nelson.

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22: Havilah Cunnington | Stronger than the Struggle

Havilah Cunnington joins us on the show today all the way from Bethel Church in Redding, CA… She’s an incredible speaker, author, & mom to 4 boys, she’s been in full time ministry for over 20 years, & she’s the founder of a non profit online community called Truth to Table.

Guys, Havilah brings the HEAT today! We chatted all about her journey to finding her calling, bringing her dream to life through Truth to Table, and the heart behind her latest book: Stronger than the Struggle. We were SO impacted by our conversation with Havilah. Not only did she share insane amounts of wisdom from her journey, she also encouraged the heck out of us to lean fully into God’s calling for our lives. You will be so pumped up and encouraged after listening to this conversation with Havilah! Enjoy!

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21: Rick and Jackie Drew | Finding Radical Joy

Our guests today on the One Life Podcast are the founders of Rad Joy, Rick and Jackie Drew.

A couple of years ago, Rick & Jackie began feeling an unrest, like big change was on the horizon. At the same time, they were debating turning their side hobby into a full-time business. On today's episode you’ll get to hear the rest of the incredible story behind the launch of their business, Rad Joy, where their mission is to create products that help others live a surrendered life. We talk with Rick and Jackie about the ups and downs of the entrepreneurial life, what they’ve learned about working together as a couple, and the radical joy that comes from a life fully surrendered.

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20: Part Two | The Path Between Us | Enneagram Expert Suzanne Stabile

In this follow up episode to Part 1 : What's Your Number? , we dive deeper into Suzanne's brand new book, The Path Between Us which shows us how to use the Enneagram as a tool to have healthier relationships with God and with each other. We talk with Suzanne about how the different types pair together, and the benefits as well as obstacles of those relationships. We also dive into which numbers struggle more with faith and what the Enneagram offers us on our spiritual journey. For an overview of the Enneagram and the 9 personality types, make sure to listen to Part 1 of our conversation with Suzanne Stabile.

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