127. Nathan & Christy Nockles | From Rest to Rest

Welcome back friends! We are so thrilled to be back with you all!

On today’s episode, we’re chatting with our good friends Nathan & Christy Nockles, who you might have known back in the day as the Christian Music duo, Watermark. Christy and Nathan have had a long, successful career in music since the early 90s, leading worship as featured artists in the passion movement and releasing 12 records, including Christy’s latest project, This is the Hour. 

We covered so much amazing ground in our time with the Nockles that we didn’t want to cut anything! So, we’re sharing this conversation in two parts! Today we’re heading down memory lane with Nate & Christy as they reflect on decades of marriage and music together. They also discuss the timeless marriage, faith, and family rhythms that have carried them along the way! 

Make sure to tune in next time for the second half of this rich conversation where we dive into the heart behind Christy’s brand new record, This is the Hour. 

Pull up a chair and join us, this is a great one! Listen in.  


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126. Moving Past If Only

Welcome back, friends! It’s so good to be with you again! After enjoying a much needed time of rest and refresh with our family, we are excited to be back for a brand new season of The Rhythm of Us.  So many wonderful conversations coming up around the rhythms that carry us that we cannot wait to share with you. Stay Tuned!

This week we’re unpacking a powerful truth God showed us over the break that has brought so much breakthrough in our own lives!  Praying the Lord will speak to you through it as well!

Pull up a chair and join us, this is a great one! Listen in.

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125. Glenn & Holly Packiam | The Intentional Year

On today’s episode, we’re chatting with Author and Lead Pastor of Rock Harbor Church, Glenn Packiam and his wife Holly about the practice of taking an annual retreat to reflect on the year and craft a new year with intention and purpose.  Glenn and Holly unpack how to reflect on the lessons and celebrations of the past season, identify themes and a sense of calling for the season ahead, and implement new rhythms of prayer, rest, renewal, relationships, and work.

Pull up a chair and join us, this is a great one! Listen in.  

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124: Trudy Cathy White | Leaving a Legacy that Lasts

On today’s episode, we had the honor of sitting down with author, speaker, and Chic Fil A Ambassador, Trudy Cathy White. As the only daughter of Chic Fil A Founder, Truett Cathy, Trudy shares her own journey of growing up in the Cathy household, watching her Dad’s dream of Chic Fil A come to life, and the values she has held onto from their family life. Trudy also unpacks how we can identify our own set of family values and impart them to our kids in a way that lasts for generations to come. 

Pull up a chair and join us, this is a great one! Listen in.  

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122: Jean Stoffer | Establish a Thriving Home

On today’s episode, we had the honor of sitting down with award winning designer and brand new author, Jean Stoffer, host of the Magnolia Network’s show The Established Home. When we got a chance to view Jean’s show this summer, what stood out to us immediately, even more than her breathtaking designs, was the beautiful, thriving relationships she shared with her husband and adult children as they worked together to build this successful business. Jean unpacks the lessons she’s learned throughout her journey that have resulted in such remarkable, lasting bonds with her family and strong success in her business. 

Pull up a chair and join us, this is a great one! Listen in. 

Check out Jean’s brand new book, Establishing Home

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121: Three Intentional Rhythms of Slowing Down

On today’s episode we’re diving deeper into Rhythm #3: The Rhythm of Slowing Down from our book, The Rhythm of Us. Pull up a seat and join us as we unpack three intentional ways we have found to help us slow down and be present in this busy Fall season.

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120: Max Lucado | Finding Help in the Holy Spirit

On today’s episode, pastor, speaker, and New York Times bestselling author Max Lucado joins us as we kick off this brand new season of The Rhythm of Us!  We chat with Max today about living from the empowering strength that’s available to us through the Holy Spirit. Max shares his personal journey of coming to the end of his own strength and discovering the transforming power and peace he found in learning to rely on the person of the Holy Spirit. Make sure to check out Max’s latest book: Help is Here, available now wherever book are sold!

Pull up a chair and join us, this is a great one! Listen in.  

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119: Josh & Christy Straub | Be Famous at Home

Today we’re chatting with our new friends here in Franklin, Dr. Josh and Christi Straub.  Josh & Christy are speakers, authors, and marriage and leadership coaches. Together, they lead Famous at Home, a company centered on emotional intelligence and family wellness. They also host the Famous at Home podcast, have written several wonderful books, including their latest book, Famous at Home, which we’re diving into today.

Josh & Christy unpack several simple decisions we can make as parents to shift the environment of our home. We chat about how to connect in meaningful ways with our kids, the importance of showing up as the best version of ourself, and practical ways we can intentionally create an atmosphere of peace in our home. This was such an incredible conversation with Josh & Christy,  we can’t wait to share it with you all!

Listen in.

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118: Nicole Zasowski | The Rhythm of Celebration

Today we’re excited to welcome our friend Nicole Zasowski back to the show. Nicole is a licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, author, and speaker from the great state of Connecticut. We’re chatting with Nicole today about the practice of celebration: why it’s a vital part of our spiritual growth, the roadblocks that can keep us from celebrating, and some intentional ways we can begin to practice this important rhythm in our daily lives. 

We absolutely loved our time with Nicole. Excited to share it with you all. Make sure to check out Nicole’s latest book: What if it’s Wonderful 

Listen in. 

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