77: Lisa Bevere | Becoming Strong

When I was in college, someone handed me a stack of Spiritual Growth books and said, “The things that will change your life are the people you meet and the books you read.” And I was hooked for life.  On today’s episode we’re chatting with one of the authors whose books dramatically changed my life in that very first season of falling in love with God through reading. Please join us in welcoming to the show today, New York Times Best Selling Author, leader, and beloved Bible teacher, Lisa Bevere.


We talk with Lisa about what true strength really looks like according to God’s word, how to stay strong even when things around us are uncertain, and how to recover our strength when life zaps it. Wherever this finds you today, we pray this conversation will encourage you and point you towards the only true source of strength. Listen in.


Links Mentioned:
Strong Devotional
Lisa’s Website


Music featured in this episode:
Casey Darnell, Moments

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76: Adrienne & Jeremy Camp | Staying Unified No Matter What

On today’s episode, we’re chatting with Christian recording artist, Jeremy Camp and his lovely wife Adrienne.  Jeremy and Adie talk about the release of the new film based on Jeremy's life, “I Still Believe” as well as share timeless truths that have sustained their marriage over the years, the power of daily prayer for one another, and how to stay healthy and connected during this time of global pandemic.

We had such a blast hanging with The Camps! We hope and pray this conversation will encourage you as much as it did us. Pull up a chair and join us!


75: Max Lucado | Feed Your Faith

If you’ve thought to yourself at any point during this crazy season, “I just wish I could sit down with an older, wiser sage who’s been walking this whole life & faith thing out way longer than I have”…… Well, we’re making your wish come true today. It just doesn’t get any better than our wonderful guest this week …

On today’s episode, we’re chatting with America’s beloved pastor, teacher, and New York Times Best Selling author, Max Lucado.  Max has been in full time ministry for over 40 years, he’s written over 100 books, with 130 million copies in print, his projects have been featured everywhere from USA Today, Fox News, Larry King, and many more.

Max shares with us how to find hope and healing in the mist of so much chaos and anxiety, the importance of feeding our faith rather than our fears, and how we as the Church can begin to view this season as an opportunity to rise up and be the CHURCH we are all called to be.

Wooh, this was one for the books, guys! We were definitely blown away by Max’s humility, authenticity and all around compassion and kindness. We pray this will encourage you as it did us. Listen in.



A few favorite quotes from today’s episode:


“This is the time for the church to stand up!”

“Here’s the question we all need to be asking, ‘God, what are you saying to us through this?’ Each one of us could hear a personal answer to that question.”

“What we may find out through all of this is that we’ve been putting our trust in the wrong place.”

“Every generation has to have its own encounter with grace.”

“If my people, who are called by name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

2 Chronicles 7:14


Links Mentioned:
Jesus Book
Encouraging Word Bible
Killing Giants & Pulling Thorns, Chuck Swindoll


Music featured in this episode:
Casey Darnell, Moments

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74: I Still Believe Movie | Producer Kevin Downes

On today’s episode, we’re chatting with Kevin Downes, the producer of the incredible, brand new movie, I Still Believe, starring KJ Apa, Britt Robertson, Shania Twain, and Gary Sanise.  I Still Believe is based on the real-life story of chart-topping singer Jeremy Camp and his journey of love and loss, proving there is always hope to be found in the midst of even the greatest tragedies.

Enjoy this behind the scenes look at a truly remarkable film. Listen in.

*With most movie theaters closed for the foreseeable future, I Still Believe is being released to premium video on demand platforms beginning THIS FRIDAY, March 27. Pop some popcorn and snuggle up with your family to enjoy this beautiful story of unwavering love and enduring faith.


Links Mentioned:

I Still Believe Movie

Erwin Brothers

Producer Kevin Downes


Music featured in this episode:
Casey Darnell, Moments

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73: Melanie Shankle | Finding the Bright Side

On today’s episode, we’re chatting with New York Time’s best selling author, Melanie Shankle. We had the biggest blast in this conversation with Melanie. She has written some of my very favorite books, Sparkly Green Earrings,(on parenting), Antelope in the Living Room(on marriage), and Nobody’s Cuter than You (on friendship), and now her latest release, On the Bright Side just to name a few! Melanie is wonderful, hilarious, genuine, and just one of the best story tellers you’ll ever hear! You are in for such a treat today!

We talk with Melanie about finding the courage to get back up when life doesn’t go according to plan, how to discern when it’s time to move onto something new, and how to hold onto joy and gratitude no matter what life throws our way. We may even tackle the roller coaster ride that is parenting teenagers as well! (We can do it!!!)

It’s crazy how God's timing works and how every single week, somehow we need exactly the truth He brings through these conversations, and this week’s episode is no exception! We hope it speaks just as powerfully into your life as well, friends.
Listen in.


Tell Me More, Kelly Corrigan

Starting everyday with God's word and a prayer: 'God, show me what you want me to do today.”

“Wear sunscreen…. seriously, even when it’s not sunny. And also, be easier on yourself. Give yourself grace.”


Music featured in this episode:
Casey Darnell, Moments

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72: John Eldredge | Get Your Life Back

A few years ago, a friend of ours found himself in a season where he started to notice something wasn’t quite right with his soul. Overwhelmed, empty, and depleted, he decided to do something about it. Today he shares with us, the practices he learned to get his soul, and his life back.

On today’s episode we’re very thrilled to welcome back to the show, for the third time, our good friend, the one and only Mr. John Eldredge! If you’re not familiar with John, he’s the founder of Ransomed Heart Ministries in Colorado Springs, well known Christian Speaker, and best selling author of books such as Wild at Heart, Waking the Dead, and his latest book, Get Your Life Back. Conversations with John are always so rich, full of wisdom, and leave us longing or more of God, and today is no exception.

John unpacks the power of simple practices such as getting outside, seeking beauty in our everyday lives, taking a daily one minute pause, and remembering who we love. This conversation is one to listen to again and again. May these practices help us create more space in our souls for more of life and more of God. Listen in.



For more episodes featuring John Eldredge, make sure to check out:
Ep. 45 | Make Space for Your Soul
Ep. 30 | Living a Life of Adventure


A few favorite quotes from today’s episode:

“If you can get into nature as a soulful practice, it is enormously healing.”

“Your soul is wonderfully small, and to be kind is to admit the limits of the capacity of your soul.”

“Your soul is the vessel that God fills. Your soul is the means by which you experience God, and when your soul is baked like a desert, you can’t receive the water He’s trying to bring.”

“There were things that you used to do that brought you life. . . go do them again. Make room for them, make them a priority again. Go get them back!”

“More of life is more of God.”

“God is in the things that you love.”

“We must empty ourselves of all that currently fills us so that we can be filled with God.” St. Augustine


Music featured in this episode:
Casey Darnell, Moments

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71: Pete Greig | Learn How to Pray

On today’s episode we’re chatting with the author of one of my very favorite books of 2019, How to Pray, by Pete Greig.

Pete is a best selling author, Senior Pastor of Emmaus Road Church in Guildford, England, and instigator of the 24-7Prayer movement which has reached more than half the nations on earth.

This book absolutely reignited my prayer life, it challenged and stretched me in new ways, and gave me a new perspective on the way I approach God in prayer. This is one I couldn’t stop sending to friends and quoting to my husband. So we were quite thrilled to sit across from Pete and have some rich conversation about prayer. Pete shares with us a simple, 4 step guide to approach God in prayer, the importance of being honest in our prayers, and the power of getting still in God’s presence.
Listen in.


*British Translation Guide :
“feeling sheepish” : feeling shame or embarrassment
“dodgy”: shady, untrustworthy, unreliable
“fry your noodles”: amaze you, blow your mind


A few favorite quotes from today’s episode:

Pray = Pause Rejoice Ask Yield

“Keep it Simple. Keep it Real. Keep it Up.”

“Your prayer life is at its best, not when you’re praying big, complex, gnarly prayers occasionally, but when you’re praying simple, little conversational prayers continually.”

“Be honest with God about how you’re really feeling. He couldn’t care less about your ‘religious self’, He wants you.”

“Jesus encourages us to approach God like little children.”

“The legacy of your life is your prayer life.”

“Who you become is determined by how you pray.
Ultimately, the transcript of your prayers become the script of your life.”

“What happens in the privacy of your alone time with God determines not just the outcome of your life, but the substance of your life.”


Ruthless Elimination of Hurry, John Mark Comer

“Spin the phone” at dinner time with family and friends. Whoever it lands on has to pray and gets to ask any question they’d like to everyone at the table.

“I would say, 'Chill Out.'  I’ve always been a bit over intense, and my wife Sammy plumbs the depths of shallow. She's gloriously funny, and is such a blessing to me. She has taught me that intensity is not a gift of the Holy Spirit, joy is.


Music featured in this episode:
Casey Darnell, Moments

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70: Addison Bevere | Discover Your True Identity

On today’s episode we’re chatting with author, speaker, and COO of Messenger International, Addison Bevere about what it means to discover and live out of our true identity in Christ. We had such a wonderful conversation with Addison about his newest book, Saints: Becoming more than “Christians.” If you’re like us, and just the mention of the word Saint causes you to recoil just a bit, stick with us, you’ll be so refreshed as Addison unpacks the truth about our sacred identity as saints in Christ. Listen in.


A few favorite takeaways from today’s episode:


“Holiness is not a destination, it’s a journey.”

“The journey into holiness is really the journey into wholeness.

The journey of holiness is actually the journey of discovering what it means to be His.

“It’s a journey into seeing myself the way God sees me.”

“So much of our walk with Christ is unlearning assumptions that we had about ourselves, our world, and who we are in Him.”

“We live in the tension of being and becoming.”

“You are a saint… now become one.”



Music featured in this episode:
Casey Darnell, Moments

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69: Aundi Kolber | Try Softer

So good to be back with you all! We hope you had a wonderful Holiday season with your families and that 2020 is off to a great start for you!  Chances are, you probably already have your goals set for the year and maybe you’re off and running with them.  Maybe you’ve picked a word for the year, and you’re leaning into it with all you’ve got.  Or maybe you’ve already given up on waking up early or going to the gym or staying off your screen.  But wherever this finds you on day 14 of the brand new year, we hope this episode will be a breath of fresh air and that it will encourage you to let go of the “try harder” mindset, striving for perfection and success and instead embrace a more gentle, kinder mindset.

Today were chatting with author and therapist, Aundi Kolber as she shares with us how to “try softer.” Aundi unpacks why it’s important to slow down long enough to listen to what our bodies and our emotions are trying to tell us, and how to stop ignoring our feelings and instead, start understanding and processing emotions in healthy ways.

This conversation was so rich and so helpful, and we hope you’ll be encouraged as you listen in.



Music featured in this episode:
Casey Darnell, Moments

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68: Best of 2019 | Advice to the Younger You

In this week’s final episode of 2019, we’re finishing the year off right as we revisit some of the most powerful responses of 2019 to every episode's closing question:

What advice would you give to the younger you?

In this episode you’ll hear life changing advice from: John Eldredge, Margaret Feinberg, John Mark Comer and more.

Now it’s your turn. What’s advice would you give to the younger you?

Lets us know: jenni@onelife.works or chris@onelife.works


Advice to the Younger You


1. Find Spiritual Mothers & Fathers (John Eldredge|Ep.45)
2. Don’t Let Your Identity Rise & Fall on the Opinions of Others (Lysa Terkeurst|Ep.44)
3. Sabbath (John Mark Comer|Ep.65)
4. Stay Passionate, But Extend Grace (Mike Frost|Ep.46)
5. Red Flags Never Get Smaller (Emily P. Freeman|Ep.50)
6. Ruthlessly Eliminate Hurry From Your Life (Emily P. Freeman|Ep.50)
7. Let People Get to Know You (Kellye Fabian|Ep.53)
8. Pay Attention to Your Internal Life (Jan Peterson|Ep.54)
9. God is Strong at Your Breaking Point (Margaret Feinberg|Ep.55)
10. Chill Out (Don Pape|Ep.56)
11. Don’t Let Comparison Hold You Back (Sarah Dubbeldam|Ep.57)
12. Intimacy with the Lord is the Secret to Happiness (Stephen Kendrick|Ep.60)
13. Focus on Today (Chris Norton|Ep.61)
14. Intentionally Build Your Life Team (Dr. John Townsend|Ep.58)
15. Love Hard (Tricia Lott Williford|Ep.62)
16. Life Will Turn Out Better Than You Can Imagine (Gary Thomas|Ep.64)



PS. – If you're looking for MORE advice to the younger you, be sure to check out last year's “Best Of” episode right here.


Music featured in this episode:
Casey Darnell, Moments

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