97: Christy Nockles | Living From Rest

On today’s episode, we’re talking with one of our favorite people on the planet, singer/songwriter & worship leader Christy Nockles.

Christy and her husband, Nathan, toured nationwide as the Christian music duo, Watermark. They were also a part of the Passion movement for over twenty years.

Christy shares with us the practice that has changed her life most : learning to live from a place of rest. We chat with Christy about how to let go of the hustle and find our true identity in God’s heart, how to let Him set the pace for our life, and how to truly live from a place of rest as His beloved.

Pull up a chair and join us, this is a great one! Listen in.

Make sure to check out Christy’s new book, The Life You Long For


Links Mentioned:

Christy’s Website

Christy’s Instagram 


Music featured in this episode:
Casey Darnell, Moments

Connect with Chris & Jenni:


96: Angie Smith | Move From Confusion to Clarity

On today’s episode, we’re talking with best selling author and speaker, Angie Smith, about how to move past the insecurity that can hold us back from studying God’s word, and replace it with confidence. Angie shares her own journey of overcoming confusion and intimidation in her understanding of the Scriptures.

Angie is equal parts hilarious and also tender, she had us laughing and crying, all in the same sentence. No matter what situation this finds you in today, we hope as you listen, God will meet you right where you are and speak directly into the place you find yourself!

Pull up a chair and join us, this is a great one! Listen in.


Links Mentioned:

Angie’s New Book: Woven

Angie’s Website

Angie’s Instagram 


Ways to Help our Texas Friends:

Our Calling Homeless Ministry

Genesis Women’s Shelter

Salvation Army Dallas


Music featured in this episode:
Casey Darnell, Moments

Connect with Chris & Jenni:


95: Sissy Goff | Overcoming Stress & Anxiety

Welcome back to another episode, friends! We’re so excited to finally be back with you today. We hope you’re doing well, and just want to especially acknowledge all of our friends in the great state of Texas, who just endured the great snowstorm of 2021. We love you, it was honestly so hard to hear what was happening and not be able to help, but were so glad it’s finally over and that the sun is back where it belongs! For anyone interested, we’ll post a few ways to help out our Texas friends in the show notes.

So, on today’s episode, we are so thrilled to introduce you to someone who’s really made a huge impact in our city, talk about long obedience in the same direction, she’s been a licensed counselor for 25 years here in Nashville, she’s written 12 books helping parents and kids navigate all the ups and downs of life, we’re talking about Sissy Goff. Even before we moved to Nashville, we had people saying, “You’re moving to Nashville? You’ve got to meet Sissy. You have to have her on the show!” So, it’s been a long time coming, and after today’s conversation I think you’ll understand why everyone was singing her praises! Sissy offers so much wisdom and guidance in today’s episode on overcoming stress and anxiety, and specifically how to help our kids with the stress and anxiety they’re being hit with.

No matter what situation this finds you in today, we hope as you listen, God will meet you right where you are and speak directly into the place you find yourself!

Pull up a chair and join us, this is a great one! Listen in.


Links Mentioned:

Sissy’s Book: Brave

Sissy’s Website

Sissy’s Instagram 

Feelings Chart


Ways to Help our Texas Friends:

Our Calling Homeless Ministry

Genesis Women’s Shelter

Salvation Army Dallas


Music featured in this episode:
Casey Darnell, Moments

Connect with Chris & Jenni:


94: Darryl Strawberry | Turn Your Season Around

On today’s episode Chris turns into a bit of a middle school boy, as he and Jenni get the chance to chat with baseball legend and bestselling author, the man, the myth, the legend, Mr. Darryl Strawberry.

Darryl shares his incredible story of how Jesus met him right in the middle of his brokenness. Chris and Jenni chat with Darryl about the highs and lows of an intense career as a Major League Baseball all-star, overcoming his drug addiction, family tragedies, and the powerful transformation that only comes from following Jesus.  Darryl also shares some foundational principles that transformed his life from the inside out: the power of prayer, cultivating healthy friendships, and weathering trials without losing heart.

No matter what situation this finds you in today, we hope as you listen in, this story will inspire hope in you that with God’s grace you can overcome life’s adversities one decision, one step at a time and turn your season around.

Pull up a chair and join us, this is a great one! Listen in.



Links Mentioned:

Darryl’s Book: Turn Your Season Around

Darryl’s Website 

Darryl’s Instagram 


Music featured in this episode:
Casey Darnell, Moments

Connect with Chris & Jenni:


93: Jamie Grace | Finding Quiet

On today’s episode we’re talking with award winning singer songwriter, and brand new author, Jamie Grace.

Jamie shares her story achieving her dream of becoming a successful recording artist only to find more emptiness and chaos on the other side. Jamie also shares how she followed God’s prompting to leave it all behind to pursue a quieter, more fulfilling way of life.

Pull up a chair and join us, this is a great one! Listen in.


Links Mentioned:

Jamie’s Book: Finding Quiet 

Jamie’s Website 

Jamie’s Instagram 


Music featured in this episode:
Casey Darnell, Moments

Connect with Chris & Jenni:


92: John Bevere | Multiply Your Potential

On today’s episode we’re talking with best selling author, speaker, and founder of Messenger International, John Bevere about multiplying our potential, about what it means to live a life poured out completely.

John shares:

– what true faithfulness looks like according to God’s word,
– practical ways to uncover your calling
– how to faithfully live out your purpose together as a couple

Pull up a chair and join us, this is a great one! Listen in.

Links Mentioned:

John’s Book: Multiply Your God Given Potential

Episode 77: Lisa Bevere | Becoming Strong

Episode 70 | Addison Bevere | Discover Your True Identity

John’s Website

Messenger International

Music featured in this episode:
Casey Darnell, Moments

Connect with Chris & Jenni:


91 : Lysa Terkeurst | Forgive What You Can’t Forget

If you’ve ever struggled to forgive something you just can’t seem to forget, this episode is for you. We had the tremendous honor of welcoming back to the show, New York Time’s best selling author, speaker, and founder of Proverbs 31 Ministries, Lysa Terkeurst.

Lysa shares vulnerably about her own wrestle through this journey to forgiveness which she unpacks in her latest book, Forgiving What You Can’t Forget. Lysa offers encouragement and advice on how to disempower the triggers that can hijack our emotions, make peace with painful memories, and create a life that's beautiful again.

As always, we hope this conversation will bless you as much as it did us! Listen in!



Links Mentioned:

Lysa's Book: Forgiving What You Can't Forget 

Episode 44: Lysa Terkeurst | Find A Fresh Start  

Lysa's Website

Proverbs 31 Ministries


Music featured in this episode:
Casey Darnell, Moments

Connect with Chris & Jenni:


90: Eric Peterson | Lifelong Wisdom

When we think of life well lived, it's hard to come up with a better example than Eugene and Jan Peterson. Back in the Spring of 2019, we had the incredible honor of sitting down with the delightful Jan, beloved wife of Eugene Peterson, for what none of us realized would be her very last interview. Shortly after our time together, Jan went home to be with Jesus in May of 2019. Jan’s story of love, faith, and long obedience in the same direction remains one of our most listened to and commented on episodes to date.


On today’s episode we had the tremendous honor of chatting with Eugene and Jan’s son, Eric Peterson. Eric shares what it was like growing up in the Peterson home, his journey into the calling of local church ministry, and the wisdom from his dad Eugene through the form of letters that impacted him as a young pastor.

As always, we hope this conversation will bless you as much as it did us! Listen in!


Links Mentioned:

Eric's Books: Letters to a Young Pastor 

Letters to a Young Congregation

Episode 54: Remembering Jan Peterson 


Music featured in this episode:
Casey Darnell, Moments

Connect with Chris & Jenni:


89 : Nicole Zasowski | Let Go and Find Freedom

On today’s episode we’re talking with writer, speaker, & marriage and family therapist, Nicole Zasowski about letting go of what we think we want to find what will truly set us free.  Nicole shares her journey of moving across the country from CA to Conneticut, and finding that settling into her new normal took a little longer than she would have hoped.  Having just experienced  a big move ourselves, this message really spoke to us personally, and we are so grateful for this conversation!

Nicole shares with us the power of naming what we fear losing most, how to identify the behaviors that are holding us back, and how to move forward in the freedom God has for us!

Guys, we hope this conversation will bless you as much as it did us! Listen in!


Links Mentioned:

Nicole's Book: From Lost to Found 

Nicole's Website 

Every Moment Holy , McKelvey Douglas


Music featured in this episode:
Casey Darnell, Moments

Connect with Chris & Jenni:


88: Mike Frost | Transform Your Life by Memorizing Scripture

On today’s episode we’re welcoming best selling author, professor, and leader in the missional church movement, Mike Frost back to the show to unpack the life changing power of memorizing scripture, as in getting it off the screen and actually into our brain and bones.

If you’re new to the show, make sure you go back to Ep 46, where we dive deeper into Mike’s story and learn all about the 5 “B.E.L.L.S.” habits of living on mission in the world around us as discussed in his book Surprise the World: Blessing others, Eating together, Learning Christ, Listening to the Spirit, Being Sent with a Missionary Focus.


Today, Mike shares with us: 

*the benefits behind the lost art of memorizing scripture,

*how meditating on truth can shape our outlook on the world, and

*specific scriptures that can be particularly helpful to memorize during these unprecedented times


Guys, we hope this conversation will bless you as much as it did us! Listen in!


Links Mentioned:

Ep. 46: Mike Frost | Living On Mission 

Mike's Book: Hide This in Your Heart

Mike's Website 


Music featured in this episode:
Casey Darnell, Moments

Connect with Chris & Jenni:
