Category Archives: Podcast

46: Michael Frost | Living on Mission

On today’s episode we welcomed our very first Aussie to the show, one of our favorite author, speaker, church planters, Michael Frost. Mike is internationally recognized as one of the leading voices in the missional church movement. He is the author of over twelve popular Christian books, including his latest project we’re chatting with him about today, Keep Christianity Weird.

We had such a blast chatting with Mike, we were literally on the edge of our seats the entire time, soaking up every word. We just believe so much in the message He’s spreading, and really appreciate that not only is he voicing the need for change, he’s also offering a hopeful alternative and practical steps we can begin to take both individually and within our church communities to align our lives with the mission of God. Grab your coffee, pull up a seat and join us as we learn together what it means to live weird!

LIW Recommended Resources :

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45: John Eldredge | Make Space for Your Soul

On this week’s very special episode, we had the incredible joy of welcoming back to the show, one of our very favorite mentors on planet earth…. Mr. John Eldredge.

If you’re new to the podcast, make sure you check out our first episode with John (Ep. 30) where you’ll hear how John went from just barely surviving to living the life of adventure He longed for. John is a dynamic speaker, counselor, and Director of Ransomed Heart Ministries in Colorado who is known most for his best selling book, Wild at Heart, a remarkable work on recovering the masculine soul. (Men, if you have not read this, it is a MUST) He’s also written some of our other very favorite books of all time, Waking the Dead, Journey of Desire, & the Way of the Wild Heart, just to name a few.

What you'll experience after spending time with John today is the same thing you'll find when you pick up any of his books: it will make you want to grow closer to Jesus. John is the real deal, and always so good to remind us that loving Jesus really is what living a life of adventure is all about. We were so impacted by this incredible conversation with one of our greatest heroes, and we know you will be too! Enjoy!

Books Mentioned:
Restoration Year –
Unspoken Sermons –
LIW Recommended Resources –

Connect with Chris & Jenni:


44: Lysa Terkeurst | Finding a Fresh Start

On today’s episode we had the incredible honor of chatting with President of Proverbs 31 Ministries, International speaker, and New York Times best-selling author of over 20 books : Lysa Terkeurst.

Lysa might just be one of the bravest people we’ve encountered. With great authenticity and vulnerability, she shares how she learned to trust God and fiercely cling to hope while walking through not just one but several of her greatest nightmares including the unraveling of her marriage and a cancer diagnosis. We talk with Lysa about the power of community, how to love someone well who’s going through a devastating heartache, and how to find a fresh start when your life hasn’t turned out the way you planned. Whatever you may be walking through today, we hope this conversation will encourage and inspire you to keep going, keep fighting, and keep trusting God every single step of the way.

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43: Advice to the Younger You

In this week’s episode we’re celebrating 2018! What an incredible ride it’s been! We could not be more grateful for each and every one of you who listen and share in this journey with us as we learn together what it means to live our one life well!

One of our very favorite parts of every episode happens when we ask each guest the same three questions:

What’s a book that’s changed your life?
What’s a habit that’s changed your life?
What advice would you give to the younger you?

It’s always so powerful to hear the wisdom that pours out as our guests respond.
In this episode you’ll hear “Advice to the Younger You” from John and Stasi Eldredge, Alli Worthington, Dave Barnes, Suzanne Stabile, Havilah Cunnington, Aaron Niequist and more!

Now it’s your turn. What advice would you give to the younger you?
Lets us know: or

Music featured in this episode:
Casey Darnell, Moments :

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42: The Power of Habits

In this week’s episode we’re celebrating one year together as a podcast community! What an incredible ride it’s been! We could not be more grateful for each and every one of you who listen and share in this journey with us as we learn together what it means to live our one life well!

One of our very favorite parts of every episode happens when we ask each guest the same three questions:

What’s a book that’s changed your life?
What’s a habit that’s changed your life?
What advice would you give to the younger you?

It’s always so powerful to hear the wisdom that pours out as our guests respond. So, to celebrate our one year podcastaversary, we thought it would be fun to devote an entire episode to looking back at some of the answers to these questions that have impacted us most.
In this episode you’ll hear life changing habits from John and Stasi Eldredge, Alli Worthington, Dave Barnes, Suzanne Stabile, Havilah Cunnington, Aaron Niequist and more!

Now it’s your turn. What’s a habit that’s changed your life?
Lets us know: or

Books Mentioned:
The Life You've Always Wanted:

Music featured in this episode:
Casey Darnell, Moments :

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41: Casey & Anisa Darnell | Supporting Each Other’s Dreams

This week we’re throwing it back to one of our most popular episodes of 2018 with our amazing friends and the founders of  Truth & Co:  Casey and Anisa Darnell

We covered just about everything in our conversation! From how to look for and support your spouse’s dreams, order your life according to what matters most, Anisa’s experience on HGTV’s Design Wars, and we may have even discussed Casey’s former glory days in a Christian boy band! You will probably laugh out loud, you may even shed a tear, but you will definitely be moved and inspired to go and live your one life well!

Recommended Resources:
Rich Dad, Poor Dad :
E Myth:

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40: BONUS SONG | Austin Benjamin | God Will Make a Way

We have an extra special treat for you guys today! We asked our good friend and amazing Worship Leader, Austin Benjamin to join us for this episode, and in keeping with this episode's theme of authenticity, we asked him to do a simple, acoustic version of God Will Make a Way.

So find a quiet place, soak it in, sing along, or just listen and receive the promise of this amazing song. God is working all around you, even when you cannot see. He will make a way for you.


39: Don Moen | God Will Make a Way

If you grew up anywhere near a church, chances are good you heard the widely popular worship song, “God Will Make a Way”, in fact you probably started humming the tune as soon as you heard the title. On today’s episode we had the incredible honor of chatting with the writer of this cherished tune, Don Moen.

A pioneer of the Praise and Worship movement, Don is an internationally acclaimed, multi award-winning music artist who spent his career as a worship leader, producer, songwriter, and music executive. While serving as the president of Integrity Music for 20 years, Don sold more than 5 million albums and signed worship leaders such as Hillsong United, Israel Houghton. & Darlene Zschech.

With striking humility and vulnerability, Don shares the tragic story that led him to write God Will Make a Way, how the value of authenticity has guided him along his journey, and the power of trusting that even in the face of the most hopeless circumstances, God will always make a way.

ALSO : We have an extra special treat for you guys today! We have some crazy talented friends who just happen to live down the street, so we asked our good friend and amazing Worship Leader, Austin Benjamin to join us for this episode, and in the spirit of authenticity, we asked him to do a simple, acoustic version of God Will Make a Way. So find a quiet place, soak it in, sing along, or just listen and receive the promise of this amazing song. God is working all around you, even when you cannot see. He will make a way for you.

Recommended Reading:
God Will Make a Way –
You Were Born for This –

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38: Jeannie Cunnion | Living Free & Giving Grace

This week we’re talking about parenting well with one of our favorite parenting experts, Jeannie Cunnion.

Jeannie’s written two best selling books on parenting (Mom Set free & Parenting the Whole Hearted Child), has a Master’s degree in Social Work, and is a contributing writer for The Better Mom and Fox News. Jeannie's writing has been featured on outlets such as The Today Show, Fox and Friends, The 700 Club, and Focus on the Family.

We chat with Jeannie about her journey of becoming an “accidental writer”, how encountering the grace of God radically changed her parenting, and what it means to live truly set free. This was SUCH a powerful episode. So full of truth. Grab your coffee, grab your journal, it's a good one!

Recommended Reading:
Mom Set Free –
Whole Hearted Child –
Ragamuffin Gospel –
The Road Back to You –

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37: Jonathan Merritt | Learning to Speak God

On today’s episode we’re chatting with our new friend, Jonathan Merritt. Jonathan is an incredibly gifted faith and culture writer whose published more than 3,000 articles for outlets such as the New York Times, USA Today, Washington Post, and CNN.

We chat with Jonathan about his journey moving from the Bible Belt to New York City and how he found himself struggling to engage people in spiritual conversations who didn't speak the “christianese” he was used to in the South. If you've ever found yourself in an “in between” season, wrestling through difficult questions, or maybe walking closely with someone who is, this conversation is for you. We were so encouraged by the truth that Jonathan shares and cannot wait for you to hear it. Enjoy!

Jonathan's Book:

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