Category Archives: Podcast

125. Glenn & Holly Packiam | The Intentional Year

On today’s episode, we’re chatting with Author and Lead Pastor of Rock Harbor Church, Glenn Packiam and his wife Holly about the practice of taking an annual retreat to reflect on the year and craft a new year with intention and purpose.  Glenn and Holly unpack how to reflect on the lessons and celebrations of the past season, identify themes and a sense of calling for the season ahead, and implement new rhythms of prayer, rest, renewal, relationships, and work.

Pull up a chair and join us, this is a great one! Listen in.  

Order your copy of The Rhythm of Us

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124: Trudy Cathy White | Leaving a Legacy that Lasts

On today’s episode, we had the honor of sitting down with author, speaker, and Chic Fil A Ambassador, Trudy Cathy White. As the only daughter of Chic Fil A Founder, Truett Cathy, Trudy shares her own journey of growing up in the Cathy household, watching her Dad’s dream of Chic Fil A come to life, and the values she has held onto from their family life. Trudy also unpacks how we can identify our own set of family values and impart them to our kids in a way that lasts for generations to come. 

Pull up a chair and join us, this is a great one! Listen in.  

Order your copy of The Rhythm of Us

Connect with Chris & Jenni:


122: Jean Stoffer | Establish a Thriving Home

On today’s episode, we had the honor of sitting down with award winning designer and brand new author, Jean Stoffer, host of the Magnolia Network’s show The Established Home. When we got a chance to view Jean’s show this summer, what stood out to us immediately, even more than her breathtaking designs, was the beautiful, thriving relationships she shared with her husband and adult children as they worked together to build this successful business. Jean unpacks the lessons she’s learned throughout her journey that have resulted in such remarkable, lasting bonds with her family and strong success in her business. 

Pull up a chair and join us, this is a great one! Listen in. 

Check out Jean’s brand new book, Establishing Home

Order your copy of The Rhythm of Us

Connect with Chris & Jenni:


121: Three Intentional Rhythms of Slowing Down

On today’s episode we’re diving deeper into Rhythm #3: The Rhythm of Slowing Down from our book, The Rhythm of Us. Pull up a seat and join us as we unpack three intentional ways we have found to help us slow down and be present in this busy Fall season.

Order your copy of The Rhythm of Us

Connect with Chris & Jenni:


109. Cindy Beall | The Rhythm of Redemption

Welcome back! Happy 2022 friends! We hope your new year is off to great start and filled with as many surprise snow days as ours! Which has been tons of fun, but also the reason it’s taken a little longer than we planned to jump back into the podcast. We’ve been having lots of fun playing in the snow with our kiddoes, but are definitely grateful to send them back to school today and be back with you all!

So, something fun coming up : We hope you’ll grab a book, grab your spouse and some friends & join us for a podcast series that will start the first week of February! We’ll be unpacking the 5 rhythms of thriving marriages from our book! It will be a great way to put into practice these 5 powerful habits! So we hope you’ll join us for that!

But today we’re thrilled to welcome our good friend and Best Selling author, Cindy Beall to the show! Cindy and her husband Chris have one of the most incredible redemption stories of how God really rescued their marriage and used what the enemy meant for evil and brought them out stronger on the other side. Cindy shares openly about Chris’ infidelity and pornography addiction that nearly destroyed their marriage and ministry back in 2002.
We had the tremendous blessing of working with the Bealls for many years on the team at Life Church and were so inspired by the incredible couple they are and the amazing story they have. We can’t wait for you to hear it today. Buckle up, its a good one. Here’s Cindy!

Pre-order your copy of The Rhythm of Us

Connect with Chris & Jenni:


108. Gary Thomas | Pursue Healthy Intimacy

Welcome to The Rhythm of Us Podcast. We’re your hosts, Chris & Jenni Graebe.

This year, we’ve released a book we’ve been pouring our hearts & souls into for quite some time, called the Rhythm of Us and it is available now wherever books are sold!

Throughout this season, we’ll be exploring the five rhythms from our book as well as sitting with and learning from wise leaders, mentors, and friends in our life about the intentional rhythms that can lead us closer to God & closer to each other.

Happy December, friends! The book has officially launched and we could not be more grateful for your continuous love & support. You guys BOUGHT OUT Amazon! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! What a wild ride, were so grateful for each one of you! Excited to say Amazon is restocked and the book is available now to order!

We hope you will grab a book, grab your spouse and some friends to join us in January for a series unpacking each chapter of the book. It will be a great way to dive into the five rhythms if you’re looking to go deeper. So we hope you’ll join us for that!

We have just a few more episodes this season before the year ends and we’re so excited to share these conversations with you. This week we’re talking with best selling author, pastor and professor Gary Thomas. Gary has written over 20 books including Sacred Marriage, Sacred Parenting and his latest project that we are chatting about today, Married Sex. Yep, we said sex. This is actually our very 1st episode on this subject, so everyone keep your big girl pants on, and let’s do this.

Gary reminds us all that a great sex life is not something you simply find, it’s something you intentionally create. If you’re feeling confused or frustrated about your sex life, or simply wonder, Is there more to it than this, you will love what Gary has to share with us today. We hope and pray this conversation will help make your marriage stronger, in and out of the bedroom.

Listen in.


107. The Rhythm of Us

It’s HERE!!!! The Rhythm of Us releases today!!

For the last 3 years now, we’ve been working hard behind the scenes on this project we’re so excited to finally share with you! THE RHYTHM OF US is now available

Wether we realize it or not, we ALL have a “rhythm of us” : the rhythms we choose to fill our lives with. The question is, do we like where our rhythm is taking us? Do we like the couple it’s shaping us to become?

We hope you’ll grab a copy of The Rhythm of Us and join us on this journey, as we learn together the rhythms of a thriving marriage!

Thank you all for your continuous love and support along  the way!  We pray this project will be a blessing to you & your families as you pursue God together!



106. Tricia Lott Williford | Falling in Love with Scripture

It’s always a good day when we get to spend time with our friend, Tricia Lott Williford.  Tricia is one of our favorite writers/story tellers and we’re so grateful to welcome her back on the show today to chat about a practice that has changed her life!

Tricia shares how she made her way back to the pages of scripture after the sudden, devastating loss of her husband just two days before Christmas.  Tricia unpacks what the Bible has to say about who we are, where we find ourselves, and the faithful God who can always be found in the midst of it. 

We hope you enjoy this conversation as much as we did! 

Listen in. 

PS – Make sure to check out Tricia’s new book: This Book is For You. Such an incredible project! 


Pre-order your copy of The Rhythm of Us

Connect with Chris & Jenni:


105. Christy Wright | Take Back Your Time

Today, we’re chatting with Christy Wright, #1 bestselling author, personal growth expert, and host of The Christy Wright Show.  We talk with Christy about how to identify what balance looks like in each season, find peace even during chaotic times, and how to be present for your life and actually enjoy it!  

We hope you enjoy this conversation as much as we did! 

Listen in. 

Pre-order your copy of The Rhythm of Us

Connect with Chris & Jenni:
