Monthly Archives: June 2019

58: Dr. John Townsend | Cultivate Healthy Relationships

On this week’s episode we had the incredible honor of chatting with one of our favorite authors, whose work has literally changed millions of lives, we’re talking about the one and only, Dr. John Townsend. As a leadership expert and psychologist, John has written or co-written 30 books, selling 10 million copies, including the New York times best-seller Boundaries (which should just be required reading for adulthood, if you haven't read it yet, you’ll want to grab a copy)

We talk with Dr. Townsend about his latest project, People Fuel. We know we receive energy from good nutrition, exercise, adequate sleep and maintaining positivity. But there is another major source for the energy we need: having the right kinds of relationships with others. Not the ones that drain us, but the ones that refuel us. Dr. Townsend unpacks the types of relationships we need most and how to intentionally cultivate them in our lives. Listen in.


57: Steve and Sarah Dubbeldam | Believe in Each Other’s Dreams

On today’s episode we invited one of our very favorite entrepreneurial couples couples, Steve and Sarah Dubbeldam to join us for a conversation about believing in each other's dreams, and bringing those dreams to life.  Steve is the founder of Wilderness Collective, offering trip-of-a-lifetime adventure experiences with the intention of inspiring character development through exploration.(yes please!)  Sarah is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of Darling Magazine, a quarterly publication that seeks to broaden the ideals of beauty in media by using all sizes of models and becoming the first magazine to not retouch women's bodies or skin in photos. Both Darling and Wilderness encourage men and women to discover their true identity and worth.

We chat with Steve and Sarah about how they learned to work together, take each other's dreams seriously, and begin to bring those dreams to life.  They share the vital rhythms they practice in their life and marriage while running two successful start ups that have kept them connected, balanced, and on the same team.  We were blown away by these two, they are wise beyond their years, and the incredible wisdom they share will inspire you to bring each other's dreams to life. Listen in.


Links + Resources Mentioned:

Wilderness Collective

Darling Media

Blue Like Jazz 

Tales of the Jazz Age

What Clients Love

Growth Hacker Marketing

LIW Recommended Resources


Connect with Chris & Jenni:

